Types of Stains and How to Remove Them

Stains are traces of dirt that sticks to objects, such as clothes, pants, and other items/objects. Stains contain bacteria which are very harmful to the skin, because they can irritate and moisten the skin. Therefore, stains must be cleaned in any way so that they disappear quickly and do not harm skin health.
Even if we avoid stains as best we can, our clothes cannot escape them. Some stains are very stubborn and seem difficult to remove. But that doesn't mean stains have to be a permanent part of your clothing. The key to removing stains is time, we must act as soon as the stain sticks to the shirt. Also, patting the stain is better than scrubbing, because if you scrub, the stain will be pushed deeper and damage the fibers of the clothing.
Types of Stains and How to Remove Them
Come on, let's check out the 7 types of stains and the following ways to get rid of them:
1. Blood Stains
If possible, immediately after contact with blood, blot the stain using a sponge that has been moistened with cold water. If using a washing machine, run in cold water for fresh or wet blood stains, then wash as usual. Meanwhile, for blood stains that have dried, soak clothes in warm water with a detergent that contains enzymes, then wash them. Usually detergents or cleaning fluids that contain enzymes can help remove stains.
2. Tea, Coffee, Milk Stains
Use a sponge and blot the stained area with a low pH liquid, such as lemon juice or vinegar mixed with water. Do not use too much water, because too much water will actually make the stain spread and absorb into the fabric fibers. If using a washing machine, use liquid detergent or make a concentrate of powdered detergent and a little water and then soak in cold water.
3. Wine or syrup stains
Cover the area affected by the wine or syrup with salt, then place the stained area over a bowl, then flush with hot water. If the stain is still visible after washing, use a dropper to drip the diluted vinegar onto the wine stain, then rinse with cold water. Another alternative is to add hydrogen peroxide to the water when washing.
4. Sauce Stains
If possible, immediately after contact with blood, blot the stain using a sponge that has been moistened with cold water. Use an eyedropper to drip the diluted vinegar onto the stain, then rinse with cold water. After that, wash as usual.
5. Soil or grass stains
For stains due to dirt, use a sponge to wipe the nail polish remover liquid (acetone) on the dirty part. It should be noted that acetone cannot be used for clothing made from natural materials such as wool or silk, because it can damage the fabric fibers. Another way is to apply liquid detergent to the dirty parts and let it sit for 15 minutes, then use a damp toothbrush to scrub and remove the dirt, then wash as usual.
For grass stains, soak clothing in warm water mixed with detergent. In addition, you can also drip vinegar mixed with water onto the stain, then rinse with water.
6. Chocolate Stains
Soak clothes in warm water with detergent containing enzymes, then wash. If the brown stains are still there, re-wash the clothes using bleach that is safe for the type of fabric. The technique of vinegar mixed with water and then rinsing with cold water can also be used to help remove brown stains. Some sources say that dish soap can also help remove brown stains, as dish soap is known to kill grease effectively.
7. Make-up or cosmetic stains
Wet the dirty area with cold water, apply shaving cream, then wipe gently using your fingers or a soft brush. For further treatment, you can add a few drops of isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), then wipe before washing as usual.
Another alternative is to use a sponge that has been moistened with a mixture of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1: 2, then rinsed with water as usual. For sensitive materials such as wool or silk, you cannot use an ammonia solution and it is better to clean it with dry cleaning.
Don't let stains get in the way of your activities and having fun experiences, because with the right treatment, almost all types of stains can be removed and your clothes will be clean again as before. Remember, you need to be extra careful for materials like wool or silk, it's even better if you leave it to the experts, such as a laundry service that provides dry cleaning services.