Dry Clean Is a Washing Method Without Water


Dry cleaning is a waterless washing method that can clean clothes down to the fibers. The dry cleaning method uses special chemicals called solvents, such as perchlorethylene (PCE), hydrocarbons and liquid silicon. This chemical is able to remove stains from clothes without damaging the fabric fibers.

The advantage of dry cleaning is that the process is fast and efficient. Clothes washed using this method usually clean more quickly compared to regular washing methods. Apart from that, dry cleaning is also able to remove oil stains that are difficult to remove with normal washing methods, such as food oil and perfume stains.

What is Dry Cleaning?

Dry cleaning is a technique for washing clothes or textiles with special chemicals instead of water and a special dry cleaning washing machine. The chemicals used include perchlorethylene (PCE), hydrocarbon and liquid silicon. These ingredients are used as a solvent for dirt on clothes so that clothes are instantly clean.

The dry cleaning method is done by putting the clothes in the washing machine to clean stains on the clothes using special chemicals. Dry cleaning is usually used to clean clothes made from sensitive fabrics, such as wool or silk, for example, leather jackets, party dresses and kebayas.

The dry clean method is generally used for labeled formal clothing or clothing that requires special care. Dry cleaning is an alternative to washing with water, because it can damage the fibers and color of clothes. The dry cleaning process can maintain the life of clothes longer than washing clothes with plain water.

Benefits of Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaning is the best choice for clothes with certain materials. Therefore, there are several main benefits of dry cleaning:

1. Special Clothing Material Fiber Protection

Dry cleaning is a good choice for clothing made from sensitive or labeled materials, such as silk, wool, and layered clothing with special accessories or embellishments. This process avoids the risk of damaging or shrinking the garment.

2. Removes Oil Stains

Dry cleaning uses strong chemical solvents to remove stains that are difficult to remove with regular washing. This includes oil, ink, coffee, or other stains that may be difficult to treat with water alone.

3. Prevent Color Fading and Special Care

The dry cleaning process is usually gentler on clothing colors than washing with water. This helps keep the color of the clothes bright and does not fade over time. Dry cleaning can also provide special care. Such as removing unwanted odors or taking care of clothes so they look neat and free of wrinkles.

4. Extends the life of clothes

Because the dry cleaning process is gentler on clothing fibers, it can help extend the life of clothing. Clothes that are regularly cleaned using this method tend to last longer. This is why many people prefer to use this washing method.

5. Free from the risk of shrinkage

Dry cleaning does not involve the use of water, so there is no risk of clothing shrinking that occurs when washing with water. Especially clothes made from natural materials such as wool or silk which contain animal fats and oils in the fibers.

6. Convenience and Satisfaction

Dry cleaning is a convenient service because you can hand over your clothes to a dry cleaning service and pick them up in a clean and well-maintained condition. This is especially useful for formal wear or clothing that requires special care.

7. Keep clothes clean

Clothes washed with water may be exposed to germs and bacteria. Dry cleaning can help remove germs and bacteria on clothes.

Difference between Dry Cleaning and Laundry

Dry cleaning and laundry are two different methods of cleaning clothes and textiles. Here are the main differences between the two:

1. Materials used

Dry cleaning uses chemicals instead of water to clean clothes.
Laundry uses water as the main cleaning medium.

2. Types of clothes that can be cleaned

Dry cleaning is suitable for cleaning clothes made from sensitive materials such as wool, silk, or clothes with decorative accents and complex color mixtures. For example: suit, blazer, formal jacket, safari, songket, shall, and others.
Laundry is usually used for everyday clothes made from waterproof materials such as cotton or linen.
Wet cleaning is usually used for delicate materials that are susceptible to damage, such as kebaya, batik, screen-printed materials.

3. Stain removal

Dry cleaning tends to be more effective at removing tough stains such as oil, ink, or stains caused by alcohol or other chemicals.
Laundry can also remove stains, but some stubborn stains may require additional treatment such as using special detergent or processing at a professional laundry.

4. Treatment of clothing

Dry cleaning tends to be gentler on clothes because it doesn't use water which can cause clothes to crease and wrinkle.
Laundry uses water which can cause clothes to shrink, stretch, or fade colors if not cared for properly.

5. Process time required

Dry cleaning takes longer because it involves a more complicated chemical cleaning process.
Laundry is generally faster because it involves cleaning with water.

The choice between dry cleaning and laundry depends on the type of your clothes. Starting from stains or dirt that need to be treated, as well as special care needed. Formal clothing and sensitive materials are usually better washed by dry cleaning. Meanwhile, everyday clothes can be washed using the laundry method.

Dry Clean Adalah

Dry Cleaning Process at aQualis Fabricare

The dry cleaning process at aQualis Fabricare uses special chemical solvents, such as Green Dry Cleaning, Bio Detergency, and Antibacterial Guard. This solvent can remove dirt, oil and stubborn stains on clothes more effectively than water. The following steps are carried out in the dry cleaning process:

1. Appraisal of clothing

First, the dry cleaning team will evaluate the clothes you want to clean to determine the material and level of stains on the clothes. Clothes that have particularly difficult to remove stains, or particularly sensitive materials (such as silk or wool) will be subject to special measures.

2. Pre-treatment and stain spotting

Once it is declared safe to be processed through dry cleaning, the officer will look in detail at the stains attached to the clothes. Then we will carry out a pre-treatment and stain spotting process, namely treatment to deal with stubborn stains that are difficult to remove.

3. Dry clean

After the pre-treatment process, the clothes are put into a dry cleaning machine with the appropriate chemical medium, then the dry cleaning process begins.

4. Drying

After processing the dry cleaning machine, the clothes are dried using a drying machine specifically for dry cleaning. During the drying process, officers will pay attention to the temperature maintained so that the clothes maintain their quality, for example they do not wrinkle or stretch.

5. Finishing

After the drying process is complete, the clothes will be finished by our team. This process includes sorting, ironing, quality checking and folding or hanging.

6. Packing

After the clothes have been washed, dried and finished, it's time to be packaged and handed over to consumers.

Before the clothes are handed over to consumers, our officers will check them first. This is done so that no more stains remain on your clothes, and ensures that the smell of the cleaner used is completely gone. So, your clothes are ready to wear with a fresh smell.

So, please contact us to use dry cleaning services. We also provide pick-up and drop-off services for those of you in the Jabodetabek and Surabaya areas. You can come to our nearest laundry outlet at your location. We make sure that the dry cleaning we do can satisfy you!

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