Green Softener™

In our day-to-day life, the softener is seen as a must-have and must-use product as it maintains the softness of our clothes. What we don’t realize is that one of the basic materials for most softeners is tallow (rendered animal fat). Tallow is highly accessible and very cost-ecient. However, it can leave us with a lot of questions regarding where the tallow is actually sourced; how good is the quality and most importantly, is it halal certified?

Green Softener™ is sourced from the finest natural plant-based oils, without any animal fat (tallow). Green Softener™ is also certified halal by MUI (Certification no. 00170059351011). The softener gives off a naturally soft and fluffy sensation as it increases the fabric density so the fabric will feel extra soft and extra fluffy when it touches the skin.

The benefits of Green Softener™:

  • Made from plant-based oils, without any animal fat
  • Certified halal by MUI
  • Extra soft and extra fluffy
  • Safe for human health and environmentally friendly
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